Saturday 23 July 2016

Open UI Video Series - Example for View PM and PR

In this video, I have a use case to fix a vanilla issue. In Home page view, the Edit Layout functionality is not working. If we edit the order of applets, the applets does not get reordered. For this, I have used a custom view PM and PR and a custom user preference to save the order of Applets.


Open UI Video Series - Using Applet Custom User Preferences

In this video, I have discussed about using custom user preferences for applets. I have explained example in bookshelf to expand or collapse applet and save the state of applet in user preferences and reuse the same on applet load. The preferences get saved even after the user logs out of application.

Open UI Video Series - Debugging Application level JS files

In this video, we will discuss about how to debug Application level JS files like Postload.js file, Plugin Wrapper files etc. These files get downloaded as XHR requests and will not be available in Sources tab in F12 window. 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Open UI Video Series - Available functions in Init Method in PM

In this video, we will walk through the list of available functions in Presentation Model's Init method. We will look at AddMethod, AddProperty,AttachEventHandler, AttachPreProxyExecuteBinding,AttachPostProxyExecuteBinding functions.

Open UI Video Series - Using Browser Console

In this video, we will understand how to use browser console to debug scripts, observe objects, properties, functions, call functions and see output. 

Open UI Video Series - Structure of Custom PM/PR file

In this video, we will walk through how a custom PM/PR file looks like. What does each line of code mean. We will understand how to extend a class.

Open UI Video Series - Some Basic Selectors

In these videos, we will learn some basic selectors for writing CSS and JQuery code. We will learn how to select an element by using its id, class, attributes, combination of selectors, child selectors, siblings selectors.